Hair growth is related to your diet and food habit. To keep your hair shiny and healthy you must know about the nutrition essential for hair regrowth and healthy texture.
High blood pressure is known as silent killer. Ignoring the high BP may be dangerous. Mostly we depend on drugs for the control of blood pressure however we can control the high BP to a great extent through diet and lifestyle change.
weight more than normal is the root cause of many diseases like sugar, BP, joint pain and problems related to heart. So weight control is essential for a healthy life. But many times people adopts wrong diet plan to reduce the weight. It gives birth to many complications related to health.
Diabetes is a very common disease nowadays. A large number of people are suffering from diabetes. Diabetes may have various causes behind its occurrence but wrong lifestyle and unhealthy diet surely aggravates it. A person with diabetes needs to be very cautious about his/her diet.