1. Radon gas – radon gas is commonly found in air outside our homes. It is not very harmful in open surroundings but often uranium in mud and dust are adjoined by other radioactive elements in their concentrated form. They, then, get stored into our homes and emerge as a big reason for lung cancer.
2. Smoking – smoking is a major cause for lung cancer. They assist in faster deterioration of our lungs. Tobacco and the smoke further escalate complications to often give birth lung cancer.
3. Air pollution –pollutants in air make it difficult to breathe and they have elements that trigger cancer in our lungs.
4. Gene mutation – people who don’t smoke often suffer from lung cancer due to gene mutation.
5. Hereditary causes – often lung cancer in parents pose a threat to their children. They are also prone to the chronic disease.
6. Weakening of immune system –sufferers of HIV AIDS experience a depletion of immune system. Hence, they are three time more vulnerable to lung cancer as compared to other people.
7. Passive smoking – the smoke released by active smokers is often taken by people around them. This form of passive smoking can be one of the causes for lung cancer.
8. Previous complications in lungs –chronic complications like tuberculosis can shape way for lung cancer as well.
9. Agents – there are several agents like asbestos that cause cancer if they have a routine and constant proximity with people. These are often on worksites etc.
10. Previous cancer – patients who have fought cervical cancer are more vulnerable to lung cancer.
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