
Home Remedies For Backpain


If you are troubled by backpain, then low intensity backpain can be tackled in your home. Here are 10 remedies to help you fight the pain and make it vanish.
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1. Icepack fomentation – Get some small ice cubes in a towel or a cloth, then get them onto the painful portion. This relaxes the muscles and hence gives relief from the pain.

2. Having ginger – ginger has anti-inflammatory traits which are helpful in reducing the pain. Having them in your dishes or using the paste to massage can very useful.

3. Tulsi leaves – not only in common cold and cough but, tulsi leaves are helpful in cancer too. In case of backpain, chewing 10-12 leave each morning can assist in reducing the pain.

4. Garlic – applying paste from cloves of garlic can be panacea in controlling the pain. It restricts the effects of aliment greatly.

5. Oiling – backpain reduces the flexibility of muscles. A good oil massage can increase the blood flow and brings the same benefits as exercising.

6. Warm mustard oil and garlic – adding some cloves of garlic in mustard oil can work to reduce the pain if applied over the painful portion.

7. Poppy seeds – it is also known as “khaskhas” in everyday Indian slang. Adding poppy seeds alongside powder of sugar cubes, commonly called “mishri”, can prove helpful in backpain.

8. Sunbath – Timely sunbaths are recommended especially during morning. The sun rays in the morning have ample amount of vitamin D. Hence, it strengthens our bones and muscles and helpful in bringing relief to backpain.

9. Yoga – regular yoga can prevent one for ailments arising out of poor lifestyle. Yoga and exercise help in maintaining the flexibility of our body. It gradually acts on the backpain. However, a visit to an expert is recommended before diving deep into exercise with backpain.

10. Proper diet – keep your diet balanced and fill them with nutrients. Without proper diet and sufficient nutrients, our muscles don’t grow properly and lack the ideal build. Hence, a nutrient-rich diet is essential.


Back pain home remedies for back pain back pain treatment back pain relief back pain and garlic

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