
Prevention of Breast Cancer


Of all known causes behind cancer, a whopping 70 percent are related to wrong lifestyles. With little precautions, they can be curtailed. With right diet and prevention followed by exercise, we can reduce the chances of cancer by a great degree.
maro news

1. Stay away from tobacco –consuming tobacco leads to cancer in lungs, mouth, neck, pancreas and kidney. Refraining from chewing or smoking tobacco means reducing the chances of cancer greatly.

2. Reduction in alcohol consumption – heavier consumption of alcohol can increase the chances of cancer massively. Either place a complete ban on alcohol consumption or consume smaller doses occasionally.

3. Drinking water –drinking sufficient water regularly directly increases urination. Urination leads to flow of cancer-causing element from our body. Blood cancer can be avoided by this means. 8 glasses of water per day is mandatory.

4. Green vegetables and salad – green vegetables are rich sources of magnesium. Researchers say that magnesium helps women reduce chances of colon cancer.

5. Exercise – more fat means more production of estrogen hormones. This results in breast cancer. Routine exercise assists in reduction of fats and hence lowers the levels of estrogen.

6. Less proximity with mobile phones – continuous exposure to phone radiation is said to be one of the biggest causes of brain cancer. Reduced usage of smartphones and using handsfree, when talking, can lessen the risk of developing brain cancer.

7. Edibles with chemical and pesticides – at least 40 types of cancer-causing elements are found in pesticides. In order to stay away from preservatives and processed foods, we can try organic grain, fruits and vegetables. We should avoid packed edibles.

8. CT scan – CT scan emits a great amount of radiation. It can be a cause for leukaemia and blood cancer. Hence, we should avoid scans until necessary.

9. Regular check-ups – regular medical screenings and check-up can help diagnose cancer at early stages. This can help in more effective medication of the ailment.

10. Cancer-fighting vaccinations – vaccinations are available for Hepatitis B. This greatly reduces liver cancer caused by Hepatitis B. HPV vaccines, in this, way can help fight cancer.


cancerprevention pesticides and cancer cancer awareness cancer and fitness

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