1. Depression and mood swings – researchers have found that initial symptoms of lung cancer are depression and mood swings. Irritation, anger can be starting signals of lung cancer.
2. Falling sick repetitively – constant weakness in our body followed by infection, fever, pneumonia, and others are hints of lung cancer.
3. Less hunger – weight loss without reason and lack of interest daily meals can also be symptoms of lung cancer.
4. Increase of breast among men – abnormal growth of breast can be signal of lung cancer in men.
5. Constant cough – cough for several weeks can also be hint for lung cancer.
6. Pain in chest – often chest pain is attributed to gas and heart problems but, lung cancer can also be one of the causes.
7. Blood while spitting – if severe and constant spells of cough include throwing of mucus with blood then, these can be sign of blood cancer.
8. Swelling in fingers – swelling in fingers is often neglected as arthritis but it can also be due to lung cancer.
9. Complications in breathing – breathlessness and complications in breathing are one of the key symptoms of lung cancer.
10. Body ache – shoulder, back and lower part of the body often may indicate lung cancer if they are in pain constantly.
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